Friday, October 06, 2006

Firefly/Serenity Dead? Not Quite...

Maybe you heard about the comments Joss Whedon made about the complete lack of Serenity 2 or Firefly Season 2 Yesterday. Of course, in typical Joss Whedon fashion, he was misquoted. Here is a quote he posted on the Whedonesque (his official website) forums: Holy Mother of Oats! I turn my back for five minutes (that's how long it takes to admire my lovely back) and the interweb goes banoonoos! Isn't there any ACTUAL news to get wrong? Sorry about all this; it might be best if I just stay off the computer for a while. Or just glut the feed with wild conjecture. Hmm, let's see... I'm me, so... let's glut! Here are some ABSOLUTELY TRUE statements of factiness. Gentlemen, start your websites. 1) Wonder Woman has finally been cast. To no one's surprise, we eschewed all those tired movie and TV personalities and cast the interweb star "Lonelygirl", or whatever her actual name is. Congratulations, whomever! 2) I've got a thirteen episode commitment from the CW, so get ready for the long-awaited "Primative and Cheese Man". She's the first Slayer, he's a meaningless hallucination -- can they put aside their differences long enough to fight crime? 3) "CLEM!" Broadway. The number where he eats Rum Tum Tuggle will make you laugh and cry and throw up in your mouth slightly. 4) I will absolutely, posatively never ever do any kind of Serenity sequel or spinoff unless a studio asks me. Politely. Or meanly, that's cool too. 5) Warren Ellis's beard has a foyer. It's quite nice: shaker furniture, and a cute ceramic umbrella stand. 6) Kelly MacDonald and Gong Li have got to stop fighting over me 'cause who are they embarrassing? Themselves, that's all. 7) I'm tired of me. Right. Cue chaos. And yes, number seven is more or less true. But my little britjaunt is through (Alexis rocked "All My Sons") and I'm grindstone bound, so I won't be feeding any more rumorsites for a while. There's only one way to stop all this insanity, and that's to produce some actual work for people to write about. So I'll do that. Here's a thing: when "Firefly" was cancelled, my heart got broke. Sounds a bit much, but it changed me. Not even "Serenity" could patch that wound. I'm wearier, warier -- after all those years as a movie writer, you'd think I'd be prepared for another lesson on my unimportance in the scheme of things, but I wasn't. There are two very separate worlds: the marketplace, and the bustling bazaar that is my brain. The brain place is crowded with goods, ideas, sequels, spinoffs, animated versions, miniseries, radio dramas -- this is just the used goods. All the new wares are in there as well and it's deafening. Once I create a verse I never let go of it. And figuring out how much of my energy should be devoted to reawakening the projects you all love with the actors and characters I all love, and how much should be forging ahead and creating entirely new works (which you are contractually obligated to love) is exhausting. More than you know. You know the horse caught bwtween two pools of water? Add seven pools, and make the horse wicked A.D.D. The other world, the marketplace, I don't even begin to understand or predict. All these rumor of projects or the death of projects... When the two worlds align and something actually happens, whatever it is, you guys know I'll be on this site as soon as I'm allowed to be. And I'll be very very clear. There is no news. Not never, just now. I'm off to lunch with Lonelygirl. Your Scribe, -j. Woot, I can just blog other peoples words! Great post though. I really hope firefly comes back, especially if it was a series. That would make me so happy I would cry. Over excessively. Firefly rocks. Go watch it.

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